klub štala
28.3.2018 je po dolgem letu renoviranja 500 let stare štale Društvo Kussa odprlo vrata Kluba Štala. Klub Štala stoji na obrobju Lokavca v zaselku Kuši ob Kovaškem muzeju in hiši, v kateri je prebival priznan kamnosek Mihael Cussa. Od tod tudi ime društva - Kussa. Zgradba v kateri je danes Klub Štala ter hiša Mihaela Cusse, sta po raziskavah, od vseh stavb, sicer med leti obnovljenih, v zaselku najstarejši. Prvi katastrski vpis sta imeli leta 1500, to pomeni, da sta kar 200 let starejši od naslednje najstarejše vpisane stavbe v zaselku.
Društvo je bilo ustanovljeno z namenom, da omogoči umetnikom predstaviti svoje projekte - glasbene, likovne, kiparske, fotografske in druge. Poleg glasbenih nastopov in umetniških razstav, društvo organizira tudi razne umetniške delavnice ter predavanja. Ivan in Stanislav Černigoj pa v kovačiji občasno predstavljata kovanje na načine, ki se jih v sedanji industriji skorajda ne uporablja več. Do sedaj se je v Klubu Štala posnelo že kar nekaj albumov, tako da je prostor namenjen tudi snemanju - v živo ali brez publike.
Ustanovitelji društva so: Gal Furlan, Nea Černigoj Furlan, Beti Černigoj in Stanislav Černigoj
On March 28, 2018, Kussa society decided to open the gate to the Klub Štala (Club Stable). After a long year of restoration of about 500 years old stable, the opening was successful as planned by members of the Society. Klub Štala stands in Lokavec in hamlet Kuši next to the already existing Forging Museum and the house in which Michael Cussa lived. Hence the name of the society - Kussa. The building that now houses the Štala Club and Mihael Cussa's house are the oldest of all the buildings in the hamlet, which have of course been renovated over the years. They had their first cadastral entry in 1500, which means they are 200 years older than the next oldest registered building in the hamlet.
The society Kussa have decided to act as a society in order to allow various artists to present their projects. Of this musical, visual, sculptural, photographic and similar. Apart from musical performances and art exhibitions, they organize various art workshops and lectures. In forging museum Ivan and Stanislav Černigoj occasionally represent forging in ways that are almost no longer used in the current industry. So far, quite a few albums have been recorded in Klub Štala, so the space is intended, among other things, for recording live or without an audience.
The founders of the association are: Gal Furlan, Nea Černigoj Furlan, Beti Černigoj and Stanislav Černigoj
28.3.2018 je po dolgem letu renoviranja 500 let stare štale Društvo Kussa odprlo vrata Kluba Štala. Klub Štala stoji na obrobju Lokavca v zaselku Kuši ob Kovaškem muzeju in hiši, v kateri je prebival priznan kamnosek Mihael Cussa. Od tod tudi ime društva - Kussa. Zgradba v kateri je danes Klub Štala ter hiša Mihaela Cusse, sta po raziskavah, od vseh stavb, sicer med leti obnovljenih, v zaselku najstarejši. Prvi katastrski vpis sta imeli leta 1500, to pomeni, da sta kar 200 let starejši od naslednje najstarejše vpisane stavbe v zaselku.
Društvo je bilo ustanovljeno z namenom, da omogoči umetnikom predstaviti svoje projekte - glasbene, likovne, kiparske, fotografske in druge. Poleg glasbenih nastopov in umetniških razstav, društvo organizira tudi razne umetniške delavnice ter predavanja. Ivan in Stanislav Černigoj pa v kovačiji občasno predstavljata kovanje na načine, ki se jih v sedanji industriji skorajda ne uporablja več. Do sedaj se je v Klubu Štala posnelo že kar nekaj albumov, tako da je prostor namenjen tudi snemanju - v živo ali brez publike.
Ustanovitelji društva so: Gal Furlan, Nea Černigoj Furlan, Beti Černigoj in Stanislav Černigoj
On March 28, 2018, Kussa society decided to open the gate to the Klub Štala (Club Stable). After a long year of restoration of about 500 years old stable, the opening was successful as planned by members of the Society. Klub Štala stands in Lokavec in hamlet Kuši next to the already existing Forging Museum and the house in which Michael Cussa lived. Hence the name of the society - Kussa. The building that now houses the Štala Club and Mihael Cussa's house are the oldest of all the buildings in the hamlet, which have of course been renovated over the years. They had their first cadastral entry in 1500, which means they are 200 years older than the next oldest registered building in the hamlet.
The society Kussa have decided to act as a society in order to allow various artists to present their projects. Of this musical, visual, sculptural, photographic and similar. Apart from musical performances and art exhibitions, they organize various art workshops and lectures. In forging museum Ivan and Stanislav Černigoj occasionally represent forging in ways that are almost no longer used in the current industry. So far, quite a few albums have been recorded in Klub Štala, so the space is intended, among other things, for recording live or without an audience.
The founders of the association are: Gal Furlan, Nea Černigoj Furlan, Beti Černigoj and Stanislav Černigoj
© 2020 Kulturno umetniško društvo Kussa
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