Kovaški muzej mihael cussa
forging museum MIHAEL CUSSA
Kovaški Muzej Mihael Kussa bratov Ivana in Stanislava Černigoja ima v Lokavcu in njegovi okolici že stoletne korenine. Začetki kovaštva so nastali predvsem iz vsakodnevnih potreb takratnih prebivalcev, ki so se pretežno ukvarjali s prevozom lesa. Tako je imel skoraj vsak zaselek svojega mojstra kovača. Sčasoma so začeli izdelovati razna orodja za potrebe razvijajočega se gozdarstva in poljedelstva. Nastala je tudi nova smer bakrokovaštvo, predvsem za izdelovanje raznih kotlov in posod za gospodinjstvo.
Kipar Mihael Cussa je bil rojen 1657 v Lokavcu. Od tod ime zaselka; Kuši. Umrl je 8.oktobra 1699 v Ljubljani.
Prvič je omenjen leta 1687 kot kamnosek. Obrti se je izučil pri beneških mojstrih. V Ljubljani je ustanovil daleč naokrog poznano delavnico za frančiškansko cerkev. Leta 1698 je izdelal oltar iz črnega marmorja za frančiškansko cerkev v Karlovcu. Njegovo najlepše delo pa je prižnica v zagrebški stolnici. Izdelal je tudi oltarja za cerkev na Blejskem otoku in tudi oltar farne cerkve Marije Vnebovzete v Brithu v Lokavcu. Leta 1699 se je pogajal za izdelavo marmornega oltarja v mavzoleju Ferdinanda II. v Gradcu, a je pred začetkom del umrl.
Priimka Cussa ali Kuša danes v Lokavcu ni več, ohranjena pa je domačija Kuševih, na kateri gospodarita brata kovača Stanislav in Ivan Černigoj. Ob rojstni hiši Mihaela Cusse stoji kovaška delavnica, ki jo brata vzdržujeta kot kovaški muzej s kovaško zbirko in za obiskovalce pripravita tudi prikaz kovanja. Zbirka je izjemen tehnični spomenik, saj so tovrstni obrati, kjer bi bili pripravljeni za obiskovalce ponazoriti to staro obrt, pri nas zelo redki.
The Mihael Kussa Blacksmith Museum of the brothers Ivan and Stanislav Černigoj has centuries-old roots in Lokavec and its surroundings. The beginnings of blacksmithing arose mainly from the daily needs of the then inhabitants, who were mainly engaged in the transport of wood. Thus almost every hamlet had its master blacksmith. Over time, they began to make various tools for the needs of developing forestry and agriculture. A new direction of copper-forging was also created. Mainly for making various boilers and household utensils.
The sculptor Mihael Cussa was born in 1657 in Lokavec. Hence the name of the hamlet; Kushi. He died on October 8, 1699 in Ljubljana.
It was first mentioned in 1687 as a stonecutter. He learned the craft from Venetian masters. He founded a well-known workshop for the Franciscan Church in Ljubljana. In 1698 he made an altar of black marble for the Franciscan church in Karlovac. His most beautiful work is the pulpit in the Zagreb Cathedral. He also made an altar for the church on the island of Bled and also the altar of the parish church in Brith in Lokavec, which was renovated in…. And it is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. In 1699 he negotiated the construction of a marble altar in the mausoleum of Ferdinand II. in Graz, but died before the work began.
The surname Cussa or Kuša is no longer in Lokavec today, but the Kuša family homestead, which is owned by the blacksmith brothers Stanislav and Ivan Černigoj, has been preserved. Next to the birth house of Mihael Cussa, there is a blacksmith's workshop, which the brothers maintain as a blacksmith's museum with a blacksmith's collection, and also prepare a display of blacksmithing for visitors. The collection is an exceptional technical monument, as such plants, where they would be willing to illustrate this old craft for visitors, are very rare in our country.
Kovaški Muzej Mihael Kussa bratov Ivana in Stanislava Černigoja ima v Lokavcu in njegovi okolici že stoletne korenine. Začetki kovaštva so nastali predvsem iz vsakodnevnih potreb takratnih prebivalcev, ki so se pretežno ukvarjali s prevozom lesa. Tako je imel skoraj vsak zaselek svojega mojstra kovača. Sčasoma so začeli izdelovati razna orodja za potrebe razvijajočega se gozdarstva in poljedelstva. Nastala je tudi nova smer bakrokovaštvo, predvsem za izdelovanje raznih kotlov in posod za gospodinjstvo.
Kipar Mihael Cussa je bil rojen 1657 v Lokavcu. Od tod ime zaselka; Kuši. Umrl je 8.oktobra 1699 v Ljubljani.
Prvič je omenjen leta 1687 kot kamnosek. Obrti se je izučil pri beneških mojstrih. V Ljubljani je ustanovil daleč naokrog poznano delavnico za frančiškansko cerkev. Leta 1698 je izdelal oltar iz črnega marmorja za frančiškansko cerkev v Karlovcu. Njegovo najlepše delo pa je prižnica v zagrebški stolnici. Izdelal je tudi oltarja za cerkev na Blejskem otoku in tudi oltar farne cerkve Marije Vnebovzete v Brithu v Lokavcu. Leta 1699 se je pogajal za izdelavo marmornega oltarja v mavzoleju Ferdinanda II. v Gradcu, a je pred začetkom del umrl.
Priimka Cussa ali Kuša danes v Lokavcu ni več, ohranjena pa je domačija Kuševih, na kateri gospodarita brata kovača Stanislav in Ivan Černigoj. Ob rojstni hiši Mihaela Cusse stoji kovaška delavnica, ki jo brata vzdržujeta kot kovaški muzej s kovaško zbirko in za obiskovalce pripravita tudi prikaz kovanja. Zbirka je izjemen tehnični spomenik, saj so tovrstni obrati, kjer bi bili pripravljeni za obiskovalce ponazoriti to staro obrt, pri nas zelo redki.
The Mihael Kussa Blacksmith Museum of the brothers Ivan and Stanislav Černigoj has centuries-old roots in Lokavec and its surroundings. The beginnings of blacksmithing arose mainly from the daily needs of the then inhabitants, who were mainly engaged in the transport of wood. Thus almost every hamlet had its master blacksmith. Over time, they began to make various tools for the needs of developing forestry and agriculture. A new direction of copper-forging was also created. Mainly for making various boilers and household utensils.
The sculptor Mihael Cussa was born in 1657 in Lokavec. Hence the name of the hamlet; Kushi. He died on October 8, 1699 in Ljubljana.
It was first mentioned in 1687 as a stonecutter. He learned the craft from Venetian masters. He founded a well-known workshop for the Franciscan Church in Ljubljana. In 1698 he made an altar of black marble for the Franciscan church in Karlovac. His most beautiful work is the pulpit in the Zagreb Cathedral. He also made an altar for the church on the island of Bled and also the altar of the parish church in Brith in Lokavec, which was renovated in…. And it is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. In 1699 he negotiated the construction of a marble altar in the mausoleum of Ferdinand II. in Graz, but died before the work began.
The surname Cussa or Kuša is no longer in Lokavec today, but the Kuša family homestead, which is owned by the blacksmith brothers Stanislav and Ivan Černigoj, has been preserved. Next to the birth house of Mihael Cussa, there is a blacksmith's workshop, which the brothers maintain as a blacksmith's museum with a blacksmith's collection, and also prepare a display of blacksmithing for visitors. The collection is an exceptional technical monument, as such plants, where they would be willing to illustrate this old craft for visitors, are very rare in our country.
fotografije iz kovaškega muzeja
photos from forging museum
Videospot v katerem so nekatere prizore snemali v kovačiji.
A video in which some scenes were filmed in a smithy.
A video in which some scenes were filmed in a smithy.
Solo na bobnih posnet v kovačiji.
Drum solo filmed in a smithy.
Drum solo filmed in a smithy.
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